08/13/2009 18:04

The Nasca lines

 Today it's been a month since I left Calgary !!!!!! After leaving Ika under the fog, the sun start shining and I rode long and empty roads again....this is what I mean for long and empty roads …...


Then I hit a long plane extension.....the site of the Nasca lines, I watch them from the side and head to the city to see if I can get into a plane and take some pictures........

In the hotel I cleaned the chain that was full of sand and grease and prepared myself for the small plane drinking my Inca Cola..........


The trip from the air was fantastic and I believe the pics are going to be great, I can't appreciate them in my computer as the screen is too small ….hope you like it.


Now I have to run to reach Arequipa and then......Chile...





 The best advice for an obsessive rider 


 ".....Do not use any maps.......do not plan.......the only important thing is to travel light, then, just ride, ride down south, Argentina is at the end of the continent, there is no way you'll miss it....." 

Juan, a chilenian friend that did this same trip three times