07/17/2009 20:19

S...happen !!!!


Unfortunately the bike broke today 84 km from Hermosillo in the middle of the desert, it died on me and I found a fuse burnt but after I changed it, it blew again.  

I put my emergency triangle that lasted minutes before a truck run over it (sorry, the Internet is slow and I can't show you pictures, but believe me I will), and I enjoyed a really warm weather trying to find a way to go back......(never ride with little water in the desert, not a good idea)
I was in the desert for almost 4 hours until the police stoped and called an emergency truck that brought the bike and me back to Hermosillo (the truck also broke....and we have to change it...unbelievable ). 
 I went to a motoshop where really friendly people made all they could to help, unfortunately they do not know BMW, we worked all afternoon and I think we found the problem, the electric fan is running heavy and taking more amps that it should (sorry for the technicalities …) I believe the last two days rhythm was too much for the cooling fan of the bike. Tomorrow morning I'll try to find a spare part in Tucson. Really unexpected....



 The best advice for an obsessive rider 


 ".....Do not use any maps.......do not plan.......the only important thing is to travel light, then, just ride, ride down south, Argentina is at the end of the continent, there is no way you'll miss it....." 

Juan, a chilenian friend that did this same trip three times