08/22/2009 04:12

Quebrada de Humauaca

I'm surprise with the beauty of the Humauaca, yesterday we rode with my friend from Jujuy to Tilcara and Humauaca city, going inside of each town and looking into the detail of the places.

Houses are build of “adobe” a brick made off clay, sand and “paja” which are the leaves of a local plant. The construction is typical of dry areas and cheap but gives to the place an homogeneous color as it use the local soil as raw material and is solid and fresh.


There is plenty of hotels (very high quality some of them) and tourism looks like pretty well developed. Look at the pics as I tried to show the surroundings and the characteristic of one of the most beautiful spots of Argentina.


The road crosses the Capricorn Tropic and there is a small sign and a monument on the side that indicates the place, you can miss it easily..........

I'll be leaving to Tucuman today, the city where the independence of Argentina was proclaimed on July 9th of 1816; I'll see my relatives there and then leave to Santiago next day.


I hope to be in Campana on Sunday and see some friends before going to Necochea.





 The best advice for an obsessive rider 


 ".....Do not use any maps.......do not plan.......the only important thing is to travel light, then, just ride, ride down south, Argentina is at the end of the continent, there is no way you'll miss it....." 

Juan, a chilenian friend that did this same trip three times